Liebster award

I am delighted to have been nominated for a Liebster Award by the lovely Donna Marie. Donna is passionate about films and if you are a movie fan you will absolutely love her blog! Check it out here

Liebster (which means ‘favourite’ in German) is an award that is passed from blogger to blogger in order to help readers find new blogs to follow.

Thank you kindly for the nomination Donna, and here goes!

The rules:

  1. Acknowledge the blog that nominated you and display the award.
  2. Answer 11 questions that the blogger gives you.
  3. Give 11 random facts about yourself.
  4. Nominate 5-11 blogs you think are deserving of the award that have less than 200 followers.
  5. Let the blogs know you have nominated them.
  6. Give them 11 questions to answer.

RULE 2: My 11 questions and answers are:

  1. What’s your favourite film and why?
    Bridesmaids for its hilarious comedy and feel good laugh out loud moments.
  2. Tropical or Ski vacation?
  3. What inspired you to start your blog?
    Having been diagnosed with breast cancer earlier this year, I initially started my blog to keep my family and close friends up to date with what was going on. However more latterly it has developed into a way to share my experience and connect with and help others who are walking a similar path.
  4. What’s your favourite post?
    Never Hide by Nalie
  5. Pumpkin or Sweet Potato Pie?
  6. Favourite animated film
  7. Where have you always wanted to visit but haven’t?
    The Maldives
  8. Your best day?
    Marrying my gorgeous hubby in front of our family and friends in the beautiful location of Ravello, Italy 🙂
  9. Dog or Cat?
  10. Five blogs you follow?
    1) Young Women’s Breast Cancer Blog UK (
    2) After breast cancer diagnosis (
    3) Alice… what’s the matter (
    4) When it rains look for rainbows – The new normal – Living not suffering after cancer (
    5) Writing the wave – My journey with breast cancer (
  11. Favourite cartoon?
    Snoopy and Charlie Brown

RULE 3: 11 random facts about me

  1. I adore VW campervans (split screens are my favourite).
  2. I once appeared on TV in a makeover programme.
  3. I have an aversion to the words rubber necking, pamphlet and punter.
  4. I have a rather nervous disposition – the smallest things make me jump.
  5. I absolutely love Marmite (and cheese!).
  6. My parents said if they’d had me first they wouldn’t have had any more children!
  7. I’ve got a gap in my front teeth.
  8. I dislike peas, cream and custard.
  9. I’m related to Mary Quant.
  10. I’ve travelled around the world.
  11. I have been on stage with Derren Brown. 

RULE 4: My nominees are:

  1. Detrice Matthews – A young Mum’s journey through breast cancer and beyond (
  2. Cystaract – Leading #TeamPositive from diagnosis to all clear (
  3. The small c – One woman’s perspective on one life event
  4. Living my Pink Life (

RULE 5:  My 11 questions are:

  1. What is your favourite quote?
  2. What inspired you to start your blog?
  3. What’s your favourite post?
  4. Where have you always wanted to visit but haven’t?
  5. Five blogs you follow?
  6. What’s the one thing about you few people know?
  7. What has been the best day of your life?
  8. If you could have dinner with five famous people, who would they be?
  9. If you could be or do anything what would it be?
  10. What type of music do you listen to?
  11. What would you like to know more about?

3 thoughts on “Liebster award

  1. Allie, congratulations on your nomination — well deserved! 🙂

    Thank you so much for nominating me and for your support. I have a hard time with these nominations because I struggle choosing among great blogs. That’s why I don’t tend to participate. I would end up nominating all of you, seriously.

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