Breast cancer photo diary – Diagnosis, treatment, hair loss and beyond

Today is the two-year anniversary of the date that I finished chemotherapy treatment for breast cancer.

Whilst it’s been a long time in the making, my intention was always to post a photo diary in the hope that it would helps others who have either just been diagnosed, are soon to start chemotherapy, are currently having treatment or those whose hair is starting to grow back.


Supporting the fighters, admiring the survivors and honouring those who have been taken too soon.

You might also be interested in my posts about The big countdown…waiting for chemo to start and How I felt losing my hair.

11 thoughts on “Breast cancer photo diary – Diagnosis, treatment, hair loss and beyond

  1. You are very brave. most people I know never saw me without hair unless they were in my house. I was relieved when it grew back enough to ditch the wig as I was going back to work in a hot environment and dealing with lots of new people each day. It felt false and its not a good look dripping is sweat.

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    1. Thanks for taking the time to watch this. Wigs in hot places aren’t great! I didn’t go out without my wigs until nearly 6 months after chemo ended, I must admit the pictures evoke a myriad of emotions and memories. I do hope braving all will give hope to at least one person who is losing their hair/going through cancer treatment. My wig(s) were my lifeline and gateway to get out in the outside world.

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      1. Yes, I know what you mean about being able to face the world. In a way I was lucky that chemo was mostly over winter. I wore a wide selection of hats. I never did scarves. I had great fun looking for wigs, not something on my radar before this. I tried on about 20 wigs, took pictures, and got friends to vote on them. I did it all before I lost my hair so I could go straight to wigs without having to try them on when I was feeling vulnerable any way. My hair grew back and isn’t the same but I like my new hair better than I did my old style now. It was excuse to go grey all at once (being 50 at the time). I have stopped dying my hair now and am happy.

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      2. Great idea to do your wig shopping before starting to lose your hair, it’s a lot to deal with on top of the cancer diagnosis/treatment. When you say your hair grew back and wasn’t the same – has it stayed that way permanently now? Mine is still really thick and curly, more so on longer ends…but wondering if it will revert back?!


      3. It grew back very curly but seems to be now less so except at the back of my neck where it is like a rug. No fun when hot and sweaty. In answer to your question, like everything with the side ieffects, you may or may not get your hair back the way it was. others I have spoken to do seem to have gone back to their normal.

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  2. Reblogged this on cystaract and commented:
    Reblogged; a post from my beautiful friend Allie, who shares her honest ‘journey’ over the past couple of years. I’m very proud to have Allie in my life and all that she has brought to the mix. With love to you and yours Allie. Stay well. xx

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